
Giving research a real life

Technology Transfer at Ghent University forms the connecting link between researchers and the business world, with the main goal of having our research results used in real life products and services.

In cooperation with more than 8.000 researchers, we are ready to engage with you to successfully bring innovation to your markets.

📷 Image on the right: a new design of our spin-off Exoligamentz

Do you want to collaborate with Ghent University?

Do you want to start a spin-off company?

Are you interested in a Ghent University patent?

Are you interested in innovation financing?

Learn about the possibilities of our Science Parks

Make use of our scientific services & Research Facilities

Some figures on technology transfer at Ghent University


New spin-off companies founded over the past 5 years


Approved IOF projects
over the past 5 years


Active patent families
with Ghent University as
owner or co-owner


Contracts, covering research and research services, the protection and exploitation of know-how and IP