Spin-off companies at Ghent University
University spin-offs are start-up companies that commercially exploit scientific knowledge or technological know-how developed within the university by converting these research results into commercial products and/or services.
To qualify as a spin-off, the university must grant the company exclusive access to the required research results. In other words, the creation of a university spin-off is a technology or knowledge transfer mechanism and is therefore also supported by the TechTransfer Office of Ghent University.

If you have any questions regarding spin-offs at Ghent University, please contact our Spin-Off Team or visit our intranet pages for employees.

Spin-off portfolio
Since 1996, TechTransfer Office has created more than 150 new companies based on academic research generated within the Ghent University Association. We aim for an average of 8 to 10 new companies each year.
This leads thousands of euros back to university research, benefits local economic development and creates new jobs in the region.