Empowering innovation
In partnership with the Industrial Liaison Network, the Ghent University TechTransfer Office supports the AUGent research community in creating partnerships with industry and translating research into new activities, innovative products and services, and social solutions.
The TechTransfer Office manages the intellectual property of the AUGent, converts it into spin-off companies and licenses, and offers tailored legal support.
At Ghent University we take a broad approach to socio-economic impact of research. To foster value creation and expand impact literacy we do not only provide services through technology transfer but also invest in an institutional strategy on societal value creation, supporting other pathways to impact.

The TechTransfer Office offers support in various ways:
- legal support with respect to valorisation and contracts with companies and other knowledge organisations;
- advice and support regarding the protection of intellectual property;
- support in setting up a spin-off company;
- support with funding for technology transfer (IOF, VLAIO, FWO, and Horizon EU)
- support the development of science parks in cooperation with Ghent University.