Driving innovative materials through imaging

Material characterization forms an essential part of science and engineering and is key to develop novel and innovative materials. Digital imaging techniques have developed into an essential tool for researchers in academia and industry to characterize materials 2D/3D/4D from the nano- to macro-scale. 

Examples of materials

iMATCH covers a wide range of materials including:

imatch materials

Examples of techniques

iMATCH covers a wide variety of techniques available at AUGent including:

imatch techniques


Ghent University offers a wide range of state of the art imaging instruments, deep expertise on image processing & analysis and world class material science research. iMATCH unifies interdisciplinary image-based material research at the Ghent University Association and facilitates in collaborations with industry.


Steering committee


Interested to learn more about the iMATCH platform? Please contact for more information.