IOF platforms
With the IOF platforms, the Ghent University Association wants to make maximum use of multidisciplinary valorisation opportunities within core expertise domains.The IOF platforms are at the intersection of various research domains, thus meeting the increasing social and economic importance of interdisciplinarity. The IOF platform coordinator is the central point of contact for a specific area of expertise.
The platform coordinator mainly focuses on making the core expertise visible and facilitating and setting up interdisciplinary partnerships within AUGent with an eye to the innovation needs of industry. Interaction and cooperation with the industry always takes place in close consultation with the IOF business developers in the lead.

AM Platform
Additive Manufacturing Platform
AM Platform combines and harnesses expertise within AUGent on additive manufacturing/3D printing technologies and its applications, to amplify its impact on industrial, construction, transport, medical and consumer products.
Contact: Aseel Samaro

Biorefining of marine resources and marine bio-actives
BIOMARES interconnects the AUGent expertise in the field of marine biorefining and sets up multidisciplinary research initiatives together with key industrial players to facilitate and accelerate the rollout of a sustainable blue bioeconomy.
Contact: Andrea Romero Perez

Center of Excellence in Sustainable Pharmaceutical Engineering & Manufacturing
CESPE provides end-to-end integrated pharmaceutical manufacturability of tomorrow’s medicines - enabling sustainable innovation in drug substance and drug product production.
Contact: Christoph Portier

Cancer Research Institute Ghent
CRIG provides undamental, translational and clinical cancer research across expertise domains. Bring better and faster results to cancer patients through academia-industry collaboration
Contact: Cristina Pintucci

Cross-Health platform
The following disciplines collaborate within the Cross-Health platform to develop applications benefitting human and/or animal health: veterinary and human medicine, plant biotechnology, bio-engineering, medicinal chemistry and data sciences.
Contact: Laetitia Cicchelero

U(Z)Gent platform of gene, cell and tissue engineering
GATE fosters multidisciplinary collaborations across AU(Z)Gent to accelerate the creation and commercialization of cell and tissue engineering research. GATE covers a broad scope of technologies and expertise applicable to gene and cell therapy, artificial organ systems and regenerative medicine.
Contact: Gudrun Antoons

Ghent University Hydrogen platform
The Ghent University Hydrogen platform combines expertise and helps to set up multidisciplinary research in academia and with industry to accelerate the breakthrough of hydrogen, the crucial link for green fuels and molecules.
Contact: Karen Hemelsoet

Image-based Material Characterization
iMATCH unifies interdisciplinary 2D/3D/4D image-based material research at AUGent and facilitates in research collaborations with industry to enable the next generation of complex and multi-functional ‘materials by design’.
Contact: Michèle Kint